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Evangelical Connection

Area Focus Contact Persons:

Chair: Rev. Joan Trout jmhtrout@comcast.com
Vice-Chair John Paylor jlpaylor@verizon.net
Treasurer: Rev. Janet Saddel revsaddel@aol.com
Secretary: Marian McGrath mrs.mcgrath196@gmail.com
  Mrs. Jane Bonner jbonner101@verizon.net
  Mrs. Arlene Wilcock awilcock@aocs.us
Conference Affairs:  
  Rev. Joe DiPaolo jdipaolo@engagegodfirst.org
  Mrs. Jane Bonner jbonner101@verizon.net
Education: Rev. Dr. Christopher L Fisher chris.l.fisher1@gmail.com

The EPEC is an officially recognized organization in the Eastern Pa Conference of the United Methodist Church, and a registered 501(c)3 non-profit. If you care to make a donation, please send to:

℅ Rev. Janet L. Saddel
Church of the Good Shepherd 1500 Quentin Road Lebanon, PA 17042

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