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Mission Statement

It is the mission of EPEC to articulate, teach, and advocate evangelical and orthodox Christianity among the laity and clergy of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Core Values:

  • Committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ; to his saving work on the cross, the historic reality of his resurrection from the dead, and his future return in glory.

  • Convinced of the authority and primacy of Scripture; accepting the Old and New Testaments as the written Word of God.

  • Consistent with our Wesleyan doctrinal heritage, including the ancient ecumenical creeds of the church universal, as enumerated in The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church (Section 103.3): the Articles of Religion of the Methodist Church and the Confession of Faith of the Evangelical United Brethren Church.

Core purposes:

We exist

  • For the encouragement and fellowship of like-minded Christian believers

  • To inform the Eastern PA Conference on choices, issues, and candidates.

  • To articulate, teach, and advance vital Christianity.

  • To invite people to join us on the journey

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